Personalized Book Subscriptions (oh hold)

Faulkner Fans! We ae so grateful for your overwhelming enthusiasm for the subscription program. Regrettably, though, there have been more subscription requests than we can handle. And especially this holiday season, we don’t want anyone expecting a gift to be disappointed. So with apologies, we are putting the program on hold for now. Please check back in the New Year for more updates. And for any questions regarding existing subscriptions, please phone us on (504) 524-2940 or email

How it Works

Select a subscription
Sign up for yourself or give the subscription as a gift. Options available from one month to a full year.

Joanne will build a personalized dossier of your interests. We’ll ask you some questions in the beginning to get things started, and encourage you to call us for further discussion.

We do the hard work
Every month, Joanne will choose 3 to 5 books just for you. Depending on your dossier, these may be anything from hardcover to paperback, new fiction to the occasional old edition. You’re guaranteed to be pleasantly surprised.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the dossier process work?

Once you’re a subscriber, we begin building your dossier by asking you to complete a brief questionnaire. From there, we encourage conversation on the phone and via email, and appreciate feedback on what you’ve enjoyed reading. When things get back to normal, we look forward to welcoming visitors to the store in Pirate’s Alley.

Why does the number of books range from 3 to 5?

Every month we make sure that the value of your books and shipping is about $100, so the number of books you receive will depend on what we choose for you. When we spot great deals, we grab them for our subscribers; but we’ll also occasionally share a signed first edition of an author you love, or an affordable vintage edition in good shape. It’s all part of the fun.

What happens if you send me something I already have?

Send it back to us and we’ll choose something else to include in your next package. Also feel free to give us a call and talk about your interests so we know what to send.

How much does shipping cost? What if I live outside of the US?

Since shipping costs are included in the price of the subscription, the added cost of international shipping will be factored into your selections each month. We find this generally works out all right, except for our customers in Antarctica.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Monthly subscriptions can be cancelled at any time prior to the charge. As of now, package subscriptions are billed at the outset and cannot be canceled.

What if I have other questions?

Send us an email or give us a call on (504) 524-2940.