Faulkner Fete in the news

A few days ago the New Orleans Advocate / Times Picayune published a social roundup that included some great photos from the recent Happy Birthday, Mr Faulkner! event, an annual fundraiser for the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society. Here are some of our favorite photos from the event, at the Hotel Peter & Paul. Take a look!

Jana Napoli and Laura Lane McNealJana Napoli and Laura Lane McNeal

Tom Hill & Andrea DubeTom Hill & Andrea Dube

Jay Parini, Anne Simms Pincus, Permele Doyle, & Garner RobinsonJay Parini, Anne Simms Pincus, Permele Doyle, & Garner Robinson

Michael Harold, Rosary O'Neill, & Dr. Quinn Peeper Michael Harold, Rosary O’Neill, & Dr. Quinn Peeper

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